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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jan 28, 1792

[H M Ship Providence from Table Bay Cape of Good Hope towards] Adventure Bay Van Diemens Land – 1792

Saturday January 28th

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather

 3 pm: The People employed making sinnet Spun yarn &c

 6 pm: Cloudy – Saw several Albatrosses

 7 pm: Let water in, and pumped it out again

 8 pm: Moderate breeze, and cloudy

12 mid: Made and shortened Sail occasionally for the Assistant

 2 am: Fresh breezes and cloudy weather – [?] Squally with light rain – In Top Gallant Sails, and 1st Reefs of the Topsails – a Swell from the WNW

 6 am: Out Reefs and set the Fore Top Mast Studding Sail

 8 am: Served thick gruel and portable Soup for breakfast – Dark cloudy weather

10 am: Washed the Gun, Orlop, and Cockpit Decks and aired Ship with fires – Served Krout and sweet wort as usual – at 9 hauled down the Fore Top Mast Steering Sail

11 am: at 11 Squally in 1st Reefs – at Noon moderate and fair weather – A Few birds to be seen – The water smooth
   Latitude Observed 39°..36′..10″ South

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