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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jan 1, 1792

H M Ship Providence from Table Bay Cape of Good Hope [towards Adventure Bay Van Diemens Land – 1792]

Sunday January 1st 1792

 1 pm: Light Breeze and fine clear weather

 2 pm: Caulkers employed on the Quarter Deck

 3 pm: Saw some Flying fish and Bonettas

 4 pm: Exercised the Marines and Boats Crews with small Arms

 6 pm: Wetted the Upper Deck

 8 pm: Moderate breezes and cloudy set the Studding sails foreward – a swell from the WSW

11 pm: Fresh breeze hauled down the Studding Sail & Took in 1st Reefs of the Topsails

12 mid: Fresh Breeze and Thick weather with Drizling rain

 3 am: Very Thick weather with Rain Shortened Sail for the Tender and hoisted a Light which she answered

 4 am: Thick Gale and cloudy

 6 am: Thick rain

 8 am: Saw a vast number of different kinds of Sheerwaters, some Albatrosses & Mother Careys Chicken

 9 am: In 2d Reefs Top Sails and Handed Mizen Top Sail – Mustered the People in Divisions, and performed divine Service

12 noon:    Latitude Observed 37°..52′ South
At Noon Fresh Gale and fair weather

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