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Revised Sep 8, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Dec 31, 1791

[Providence from Table Bay Cape of Good Hope towards] Adventure Bay Van Diemens Land 1791

Saturday December 31st 1791

 1 pm: Moderate breeze and fine pleasant weather

 3 pm: Exercised the Marines at Small Arms

 7 pm: Hauled down the Lower Steering Sails

 8 pm: Wetted the upper deck

 3 am: Fresh Breeze with drizling rain

 4 am: Moderate haze and thick Hazy weather

 6 am: Drizling rain and dark weather – Took in the Studding Sails

 8 am: Moderate haze and thick hazy weather

 9 am: Saw a number of different kinds of Sheerwaters a few Albatrosses – and some Bonettas

11 am: Cleaned dry below

12 noon: The Caulkers at Work in the Quarter Deck
 Exercised the Great Guns
 Moderate and fine weather
   Latitude Observed 37°..45′ South

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