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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Oct 16, 1791

[Log &c. of H M Ship Providence from Port Praya in] the Island of St. Iago towards the Cape of Good Hope – 1791

Sunday October 16th

 1 pm: Light Airs and fine weather

 2 pm: Saw a number of Dolphin, caught three, and hooked some others

 4 pm: Saw a brown Booby – Caught a Moderate sized Shark with several young ones in its insides also a sucker fish adhering to it – Employed [?] filling salt water and painting the Pinnace

 9 pm: Open cloudy weather

12 mid: Light Airs and variable from NW to South

 4 am: Light Airs and clear

 8 am: Moderate and cloudy saw several flying fish

11 am: Mustered Ships Company in divisions & Captain Bligh read the Morning service to the Ships Company – Broached a Cask of Spruce Beer
   Latitude Observed 22°..34′ South

12 noon: At Noon the Assistant in Company

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