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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 26, 1791

[Log Book &c. of H M Ship Providence from Port Praya in the Island] of S Iago towards the Cape of Good Hope – 1791

Monday September 26th

 1 pm: Moderate and cloudy weather

 3 pm: Hauled down the Studding Sails

 6 pm: Squally with Rain, a strange sail in the West Quarter

 8 pm: In 1st Reefs

 9 pm: Very rainy, and dark Squally weather with Lightning

11 pm: Kept a fire in the Galley during the night – At 12 PM fresh Breezes with constant rain. In Top Gallant Sails & wind [?] [?]

 3 am: Fresh Breezes and dark cloudy weather

 4 am: Fresh Breezes and cloudy weather

 6 am: Out 2d Reef Main Topsail and set Top Gallant Sails

 7 am: Squally with rain – In Top Gallant Sails and clewed down the Topsails – Made sail

 9 am: Saw two Sea Birds of the Gull kind – Cleaned dry below and kept the Brodie Stoves burning in the Cockpits

11 am: Served Vinegar to the Ships Company – Saw several Bonettas & Portugueze Men of War
Got up the Wet cloaths to dry – at Noon Fresh Breezes and cloudy, the Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed Indifferent 4°..52′ North

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