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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 25, 1791

Log Book &c. of H M Ship Providence from Port Praya in the Island [of S Iago towards the Cape of Good Hope – 1791]

Sunday September 25th

 1 pm: Light Airs and fair weather

 4 pm: Calm and fair weather

 7 pm: Light Airs – dark to the SW – hauled down the Studdingsails and took in the 1 Reefs Topsails

 9 pm: Squally with Rain

11 pm: Calm – rain

 1 am: Kept a fire in the Galley during the night

 3 am: Calm and cloudy – with Showers

 5 am: Moderate and cloudy out reefs and set the Studdingsails

 8 am: Dark to the Sourthward – Clear weather astern

 9 am: Variable weather with light squalls at times

10 am: Made and shortened sail as required

11 am: Rainy weather – Cleaned the ship below and kept the Brodie Stoves lighted – Saw a few flying fish – Mustered the Ships Company by Divisions, found them clean and in good order

12 noon: At Noon thick rainy weather – Assistant in Company
   No Observation

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