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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Sep 8, 1791

[Log Book &c. of H M S Providence from Teneriffe] towards the Cape of Good Hope – 1791

Thursday September 8th

 1 pm: Moderate and Hazy

 2 pm: The Water all the appearance of being in soundings

 4 pm: Filled the [?] Sails

 6 pm: Shortened Sail and Hove too – sounded with 143 Fathoms but found no bottom

 8 pm: In 1 Reef of The Topsails and hauled down the Small Sails – at Sun Set wetted the Spar deck

 1 am: Light Breezes and cloudy – The Wind coming more to the Eastward Hauled down the Quarter and Fore Top Mast studding sail on the Larboard side

 4 am: Hazy – Inclining to calm

 6 am: A Flying fish was found in the Chains – Struck a Pilot fish and got it on board

 8 am: The Seamen working up Junk &c – cleaned below

10 am: Breeze increasing

11 am: Number of flying fish about the Ship

12 noon: At Noon a fresh Breeze the Assistant in Company All Sail set
   Latitude Observed 17°..48′ North

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