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Revised Sep 7, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Aug 17, 1791

Log Book &c. of H M S Providence from Spithead towards [the Cape of Good Hope – 1791]

Remarks Wednesday August 17th 1791

 1 pm: fine clear weather

 2 pm: PM People employed making Mats &c

 3 pm: Moderate

 9 pm: Inclinable to Calm

 1 am: AM Employed washing and cleaning the Ship Fore and act, making gaskets Mats &c

 2 am: An increasing [?]

 3 am: roused up the Small Bower Cable to the [?] & pointed the Ends of the [?]

 7 am: The Beer being out served spirits to the Ships Company

 8 am: clear Weather

 9 am: Employed working up Junk

10 am: Washed between Decks

11 am: Clear Weather Moderate Brig Assistant in her Station

12 noon: At Noon all Sail set
   Latitude Observed 42°..09;′ North

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