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Revised Sep 6, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jul 9-12, 1791

At Sheerness

Saturday July 9th Wind Westerly – Handed Sails and began to hoist up provisions &c and stow them in the Hulk – at 5 PM Squally with thunder and rain – Down Top Gallant Yards and Masts – employed cleaning the Spirit room – AM Calm; hoisting up provisions &c and stowing them in the Hulk

Sunday Wind Westerly – Moderate and cloudy weather Got on board from the Yard 20 Tons of Iron Ballast – Employed unstowing the after hold – The Admiral sent from the Dictator a Petty Officer and gang of 20 Men to assist us – Cleared the after hold, employed stowing away Iron and shingle Ballast – AM Fresh Cloudy weather employed as before

Monday July 11th
Wind from WSW to NW – Fresh Gales and cloudy weather employed stowing the after hold – AM Moderate Breezes with small rain – Received 15 Tons of Shingle Ballast – Hoisted in the Launch – at Noon completed stowing the after hold Tuesday July 12th Wind Northerly Fresh Gale and cloudy weather – received some Carpenters Stores from the yard – at 7 Strong Gales and Squally, got Booms out to keep the Ship off from the Hulk – AM more moderate, the Riggers came on board to assist in our [way?] out of harbor at 10 came to sail under Double Reefed Topsails cheered the Admiral – at Noon hove too and hoisted in the boat., The Black Tail Beacon North 1 Mile, and the West Buoy of the [?] Land SW – made Sail

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