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Revised Sep 6, 2021

Tobin's Providence Logbook Jul 6-8, 1791

Wednesday 6th July 1791—at Galeons
Wind Westerly – Moderate and cloudy weather with Rain: at 2 weighee the Kedge at ½ past got under weigh and mad sail. Swayed up the Top Gallant Masts, at ½ past 7 Shortened Sail and brought up at the Nore with the small Bower in 4 fathoms. Struck Top Gallant Masts and in Cutter, pinnace and Jolly Boat, veered away to half Cable sounded 8 fathoms – Garrison Point the most West, Buoy of the Nore WBN, – AM Ditto Weather at 10 weighed and made sail, Tacked as occasion required

Thursday 7th Wind West½South – Fresh Breezes with heay squalls at 1 Shortened Sail and came too at the Little Nore in 10 fathoms Water, The Garrison point bearing SWbW½W The Nore Light E½N – Minster Church SBE – out pinnace AM Moderate and clear – Admiral [Valryon?], [?] came on board – Hoisted out the Boats scraped and washed the Gun Deck – Came on board from Chatham Lieutenant Pierce, a Serjeant, two Corporals, a Drummer and fifteen private Marines

Friday July 8th
Wind Westerly first part latter Calm – Received 324 pounds of fresh Beef AM Up Top Gallant Yards, loosed sails to dry – at 10 Weighed the small Bower and Kedge Anchors – The Dictators Boats came to assist in Towing the Ship into the Midway – dropped along side, and made fast to the Prosperity Hulk, off Sheerness
Ships Draught of Water Foreward 14..10 Abaft 15..05

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