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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Feb 16-22, 1793

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

February 1793

Saturday 16  Light breezes & clear Weather Employed working up Junk at 6 Point Pedro S59°E Westermost land in sight N65°W distance the Shore 5 Miles Tacked Ship Occasionally AM Fresh breezes & Cloudy Weather at 3 Wore Ship & hove too Main Topsail to the Mast at ¼ past 5 bore up & set Top Gallant Sails Tacked Ship Occasionally standing in for Savanna La Mar Bay at 11 Shortened sail & came too with the Small bower in Savanna La Mar Bay & Moored to the SW & NE ¼ Cable each way handed the Sails Savanna La Mar point S81°W the Town N40°W & Smithfields N35°E

Sunday 17  All this day Light breezes & clear Weather PM Employed upon the rigging AM at 4 I went on shore in the Cutter & landed all the Plants Received on board per Launch 100 Pounds of Fresh Beef Served Spruce beer to the Ships Company .. Ships draught of Water Aft 9..8 & Forward 8..2

Sunday [Monday] 18  First part Calm & Cloudy Middle Light airs & clear Latter Light breezes & open Cloudy Weather AM Sent a party on shore to cut Wood People employed upon the Rigging Rove a new Cat fall

Monday [Tuesday] 19  First & Middle parts Moderate breezes & hazey Latter a Fresh breeze PM Employed upon the Rigging Received a load of Wood per Launch AM Employed stowing away Wood & setting up the rigging Sailmaker repairing the Sails

Tuesday [Wednesday] 20  Fresh breezes & hazey PM Employed as before Received Wood per Launch AM fine Weather opened a Cask of Beef Mark KH No. 1207 Contents 66 Double [pieces] Employed stowing away the Wood & getting ready for Sea Received on board 66 Pounds of Fresh Beef . Ships draught of Water Forward 8..3 Aft 9..8

Wednesday [Thursday] 21  Light breezes & fine Weather Pm at 2 unmoored Ship & hove into ¼ of a Cable on the small bower Employed securing every thing for Sea AM Light breeze & Clear at ⅓ past 5 weighed & came too Sail at ½ past 6 passed a West India Ship from Montego Bay bound to Savanna La Mar at Noon Fine pleasant weather [?] point bearing S63°E Ships in Savanna La Mar Harbour N25°W & Parkings [Parkers?] Bay N33°E

Thursday [Friday] 22  Light winds & fine Weather PM at 4 Anchored with the best bower in 2¼ Fathoms & moored Ship to the Eastward & Westward ½ a Cable each way Black river Church bearing N14°E the East point S17°..30′E & the West point N82°W found riding here 5 Sail of Merchant Ships furled Sails AM Light wind & Cloudy AM Cutter watering Employed clearing away in the holds &c at Noon Light breezes & fine Open Cloudy Weather

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