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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Feb 23-28, 1793

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

February 1793

Saturday 23  PM Light breezes & dark Cloudy Weather Received a turn of Water per Cutter AM Light winds & Variable Broached a Cask of Bread & started the Contents in the Bread room Rowsed up the small bower Cable & cleaned the Tier coiled the Cables below & Employed in the Holds at Noon Light breezes & fine weather

Sunday 24  Light breezes & Cloudy Weather PM Received a turn of Water per Launch People washing & mending their Cloaths AM Moderate breezes & Cloudy Cleaned below at Noon Light winds & fine Weather

Monday 25  Moderate & Cloudy PM at ½ past 1 unmoored & hove into ⅓ of a Cable on the best bower Ships draught of Water Forward 8..7 Aft 9..9 at 6 weighed & came to Sail at 9 Pedro point bore ESE distant 2 Leagues AM Light breezes & clear made & shortened sail Occasionally at 8 Pedro point N41°E & round hill N75°E Employed getting getting [sic] the Anchors on the Gunwhale at Noon Moderate & hazey Pedro point bearing North & the Center of Round hill N28°E

Tuesday 26  Fresh breezes & Cloudy Weather PM People employed Occasionally at 8 the extreams of the Land in sight from NE to NWbW AM a Fresh breeze made & shortened sail Occasionally at 8 Point Pedro N55°W Portland point N60°E & the body of Round hill N12°E Tacked Ship Occasionally at Noon Portland point East Round hill N25°..30′E & Pedro point N70°..30′W distant 7 or 8 Miles Fresh breezes & fine Weather

Wednesday 27  Fresh breezes & hazey PM at 1 Tacked Ship Carried away the Slings of the Fore & Main yards & Fitted new ones Tacked Occasionally at ¼ past 6 Shortened sail & came too with the Small bower in 6⅓ Fathoms water Veered away to ½ a Cable service Portland from ESE½E Point Pedro West Milk River head NNW dist off the nearest Shore 2 Miles AM Light airs & open Cloudy Weather at ¾ past 2 weighed & made Sail at 8 Portland point N32°E [?] N45°E & round Hill N55°W Tacked Ship & made & shortened sail Occasionally at Noon Fresh breezes & hazey Portland point N21°E Pedro point N70°W & round hill N45°W

Thursday 28  Fresh breezes & Cloudy Weather PM Wore Tacked Ship & made & shortened Sail Occasionally at 8 Portland point NbW AM Moderate breezes & open Cloudy Weather at 8 the East part of Salt pan hill N5°W & Portland point WbN½N got down Top Gallant yards shifted Top Gallant Sails to repair got the yards up & set the Sails at 11 hoisted out the Cutter at Noon Light breezes & Clear Yellows point N68°E Portland point S80W & the Apostles Battery N14°W

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