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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Feb 11-15, 1793

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

February 1793

Monday 11  All this day Light breezes & fine Weather PM Employed clearing away in the Fore & Main holds for Empty Water Casks AM received from the Yard a Harbour boat got our Casks into & sent her for Water AM Carpenter Employed making [Cleats?] Seamen repairing the rigging Rove a new Main Brace at 9 our Launch Employed carrying Plants to Port Anderson Received on board 32 Pounds of Fresh Beef

Tuesday 12  First part Light breezes & Cloudy PM Received a turn of Water per Harbour boat stowed away the Water & returned the Harbour Boat Arrived His Majestys Cutter Advice our Launch carrying Plants from the Providence to Kingston AM Light breezes & fine Weather AM Employed on the rigging & the Sailmaker repairing the Sails Received on board 39 Pounds of Fresh Beef

Wednesday 13  First part Light breezes & close Weather with Rain at times PM Arrived here HM Ship Proserpine Launch Employed as before Rove & fitted the following Running Rigging for New Fore & Main Topsail reef Tackles a Fore Brace Main Topmast Staysail sheets Jib pendants & sheets & Fore Topmast Staysail sheets AM Light breezes & Variable Employed getting ready for Sea at ½ past 10 unmoored & hove short on the Small bower Launch Employed as before Corporal of Marines cleaning Small Arms at Noon Light breezes & clear received [blank] Pounds of Beef

Thursday 14  Light breezes & Cloudy Weather PM Weighed & run about ½ a Mile from Port Royal at 1 came too with the Small bower in 9 Fathoms water Clay bottom at 4 Received on board per our Cutter from the Providence 83 Bread Fruit Plants 4 Ayyah 4 Timor Mangos 5 Rattahs & 10 Nanka Plants in 82 Pots & 4 Tubs received a Pilot on board AM Light Airs & fair Cloudy Weather at ½ past 4 Weighed & came to Sail in Company with the Providence at 6 Cheered HM Ship Providence which was returned & we parted Company for the first time they being bound to Port Morant Employed securing the Anchors &c at Noon Light airs inclinable to calm Portland point S74°..30′W Yellows point N25°E & Port Royal N15°W

Friday 15  Light breezes & clear PM Employed upon the Rigging at 4 Saw a strange Sail to the Eastward at 7 in 1st reef of the Topsails & 2nd reef of the Fore & Aft Mainsail & handed at 8 Pedro Point NWbW¾W at 12 Sounded 15 Fathoms Grey sand & Coral Rock AM Light breezes & fine Weather at 8 Pedro point N65°E Point [Pirrete?] N13°W the West extreams in sight N34W Cleaned between decks at Noon Light airs inclinable to Calm [Pirrete?] point N23°E Pedro point S8E East Point [Seearra?] N31°W & Black River Church N12°E People Employed working up Junk

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