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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Feb 5-10, 1793

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

February 1793

Tuesday 5  Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM the Extreams of Jamaica at 4 from N4°W to N85S saw 2 Strange sail to the Southward at ½ past 4 in Top Gallant sails and 1st reef of the Topsails received a Pilot on board at 6 the extreams of the Land from West to NNE the Ship to the Southward proved to be His Majestys Ships Proserpine & Hound ½ past 8 hove too Main Topsail to the Mast AM Fresh breezes & Cloudy Wore ship Occasionally per Signal at ½ past 5 bore up & made sail several strange Sail in Sight at 11 Answered the Signal to prepare to Salute at ½ past Saluted the Commodore which was Returned ½ past came too with the Small bower in Port royal harbour Jamaica & moored with ½ a Cable to the SE & NW Fort Small bearing S22°..30′W Fort Augusta N13°W the Twelve Apostles S85°W & the Cockles point N52°..30′E found riding here His Majestys Ships Europa & Penelope

Wednesday 6  First part Strong breezes & fine open Cloudy Weather Middle part Light winds & Clear Latter Fresh breezes & Cloudy PM Carpenter Employed scraping the bends AM Arrived here HM Sloop Hound unbent Top Gallant sails & crossed the yards Employed as before & clearing away for Bread in the Main hold

Thursday 7  First part Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM Carpenter painting the sides broached a Butt of Bread & started the Contents in the Bread room fitted 2 Cathead stoppers Marines cleaning Small Arms AM Moderate & Cloudy People variously Employed Blacked the bends Received on board 38 pounds of Fresh Beef

Friday 8  First part Moderate breezes & fine Weather Middle Light breezes & clear & Latter Cloudy Weather PM Employed getting water to hand down Top Gallant yards AM Carpenter painting the Stern Seamen upon the rigging Sailmaker repairing the Sails received on board 30 Pounds of Fresh Beef

Saturday 9  First part Light breezes & hazey with Light rain PM Shifted the Peoples Hammocks AM Moderate breezes & fine clear Weather Employed upon the Rigging & the Governor Visited the Providence & was Saluted on his going on board & departing Loosed Sails to dry at Noon Light breeze & clear Weather received [blank] pounds of Fresh Beef

Sunday 10  All this day Fine breezes & pleasant Weather People employed washing & mending their Cloaths AM Cleaned between Decks Received on board 31 Pounds of Fresh Beef

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