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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Nov 28-Dec 1, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

November 1792

Wednesday 28  First part [rest of line and beginning of next line simply too faint to puzzle out] run in the Jib boom & got the Spritsail yards Fore & Aft unbent the Fore & Aft Mainsail & bent the [?] Main sail & set it at ½ past 6 Wore & brought too on the Larboard Tack per Signal AM Strong Gales with heavy Squalls & rain with Lightning all round the compass shiped a great quantity of Water on Deck saw several Albetross Sheerwaters & Pintado Birds at 8 more moderate set the Main Topsail & at 10 set the Square Mainsail & Fore Topsail at Noon in Company with the Providence

Thursday 29  Fresh Gales & fair Weather PM at 5 out 3rd reef of the Main Topsail run the Jib boom out unbent the Old Foresail & bent the best one double reefed it & set it Shifted the Mainsail with the Fair weather Sail & got the Main royal mast on deck AM Fresh Gales & open Cloudy weather fidded the Main Top Gallant mast .. People employed upon the rigging set up all the [?] in Company with the Providence

Friday 30  Fresh Gales & Squally Weather PM close reefed the Main Topsail & [?] in the Fore & Main rigging shifted the fair Fore & Aft Mainsail with the Storm Mainsail & struck the Main Top Gallant mast at 8 shifted the Fore & aft Mainsail AM Fresh Gales & Squally our reefs of the Fore & Aft Mainsail 3rd reef of the Topsails & 2nd of the Fore sails Employed occasionally at Noon Fresh breezes & Clear Weather in Company with the Providence


Saturday 1  Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM out 2nd reefs of the Topsails & [?] the Square Mainsail Fidded Top Gallant masts & got up Top Gallant yards & set the Sails Employed in the Hold Pumping off Fresh & filling Salt water .. passed through a strong ripling & the Water coloured as if in soundings .. Shiped much water AM Light airs inclinable to calm first reefs of the Topsails cleaning below washed with Vinegar & Aired with Fires Sailmaker Employed repairing the Fore Topsail stayed the Fore mast & set up the Fore topmast & Fore top gallant figging unbent the Lower Mainsail &bentbgentbestbestr; one Scrubed the Storm Mainsail set Starboard Studding Sails Served Sugar to the Ships Company at Noon Light breezes & fair Weather in Company with the Providence

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