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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Nov 22-27, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

November 1792

Thursday 22  Moderate breezes & cine Weather PM People variously employed made & shortened sail as necessary AM Moderate breezes & Cloudy Employed as before clearing away for Provisions in the Fore hold Saw several Sheerwaters & a Pintada bird at Noon Fresh breezes & Open Cloudy Weather in Company with the Providence

Friday 23  Fresh breezes & Cloudy Weather PM Made & shortened sail as necessary Carried away the Fore Topsail Tye rove a new one fitted a new Strap to the Toping lift block of the Main boom AM Moderate & hazey People variously Employed unbent the Old Fore Topsail & bent the best one saw several Albetross & Sheerwaters at Noon Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather in Company with the Providence

Saturday 24  All this day Moderate breezes & fine Weather PM People Employed working up Junk & repairing the rattlings Carpenter making a Tarpawling for the Cabin Skylight AM Scraped below, washed with Vinegar & aired with Fires at Noon the Providence [blank]

Sunday 25  Light breezes & fine Weather People employed washing & mending their Cloaths AM at ½ past 9 Answered the Signal to come within hail at Noon Moderate breezes & fine weather Saw several Pintado Albetross & Quaker Birds in Company with the Providence

Monday 26  Moderate breezes & Clear PM found the Slings of the Main yard broke fitted new ones AM Light airs & Cloudy hauled up the Small bower Cable & got up Bread People employed working up Junk Corporal of Marines cleaning Small arms fitted a new bobstay & set it up the other being worn out at Noon in Company with the Providence

Tuesday 27  Light airs & Clear Weather PM unbent the old Main Topsail & bent ye Best one, Employed making Matts AM Moderate & Clear it blowing very hard reefed occasionally & by 8 all sail reefed close, & furled the Top Gallant yards down Top Gallant masts struck & the Vessel lying too a hull shiped much water on Deck bore down to the Providence & as soon as near her hauled our wind again at 9 set the Fore Sail Fore & Aft Mainsail & Main Topsail close reefed & the Main & Fore Topmast Staysail close reefed at 11 handed the Main Topsail & hauled down the Main Staysail at Noon Strong Gales with very heavy Squalls in Company with the Providence

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