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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Nov 10-15, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

November 1792

Saturday 10  Light breezes & open Cloudy Weather with some rain PM People Employed washing & mending their Cloaths Middle part Light Airs & hazey inclinable to calm with heavy Seas AM Light breezes & open Cloudy Weather Scrubed Hammocks People employed as before saw an Albetross at Noon in Company with the Providence

Sunday 11  Light airs inclinable to Calm PM People washing & mending their Cloaths at 1 answered the Signal to come within hail & shew Lattitude in a long swell from the SW at 7 in 1st reef of the Topsails & Wore Ship AM Light breezes & clear at 5 out reefs & set Studding sails Answered the Signal for seeing a strange Sail saw the Sail in the SW standing to the SE shewed Colours & the Sail hoisted American Colours at Noon Fresh breezes & fine Weather in Company with the Providence

Monday 12  First part Fresh breezes & Open Cloudy Weather PM In 1st reef of the Topsails & Fore & Aft Mainsail AM Fresh Gales & fair Weather saw several Sheerwaters & Curlews Pl employed working up Junk carried away the Fore Topsail [T?] Hove a new One At Noon in Company with the Providence

Tuesday 13  Fresh breezes & fine open Cloudy Weather with a heavy Sea from the Westward Employed as before AM Fresh Gales with heavy Squalls & rain at 1 close reefed the Topsails & Fore & Aft Main Sail got down Top Gallant yards, burnt a False fire to the Commodore which was answered by showing a light Latter part more moderate out 3rd reef [the?] Topsails at Noon Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather in Company with the Providence

Wednesday 14  Fresh breezes & Clear Weather PM People employed as before a heavy Sea fro the Westward got up Top Gallant yards AM Light breezes & fair Weather out all reefs & set Top Gallant sails Cleaned below washed with Vinegar & Aired with Fires Employed greasing the Masts & rigging saw a Pintada bird & a Cape Hen at Noon Calm in Company with the Providence

Thursday 15  Calm with a very heavy Swell from the SW Seamen Employed working up Junk Gunners Mat repairing a Top Gallant sail & the Carpenter picking Oacham .. shifted the Fore Top Gallant Sail AM Light airs & hazey several Albecore & Bonettas about the Ship, People variously Employed & the Carpenter picking Oacham at Noon in Company with the Providence

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