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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Oct 15-20, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

October 1792

Monday 15  Light Airs inclinable to Calm PM Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally to keep in our Station AM Moderate & hazey unbent the [?] sail & bent the Old one Employed getting Provisions to hand for present use at Noon Light Airs in Company with the Providence

Tuesday 16  Moderate breezes & fine Weather caught a Land Lark PM made & shortened sail Occasionally to keep in our Station AM Hazey Weather People employed upon the Rigging Saw some Gannets & Tropic birds served Sourkrout & Mustard Vinegar &c at Noon Moderate breezes & open Cloudy Weather in Company with the Providence

Wednesday 17  Moderate breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM Seamen employed upon the rigging Marines cleaning Small Arms at ¼ past 6 Answered the Signal to come within hail sh sail & spoke the Commodore at ¾ past made sail made & shortened sail Occasionally to keep in our Station AM Fresh breezes & dark Cloudy Weather Seamen Employed working up Junk Sailmaker repairing the lower Studding Sail Served Portable Soup Saw Tropic birds & Gannets & some Porpoises At Noon Moderate breezes & fine Weather in Company with the Providence

Thursday 18  Moderate breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM Employed Occasionally made & shortened sail Occasionally to keep in our Station in 1st reef of the Topsails AM Fresh breezes & hazey at 5 out reefs Passed the root of a Tree caught a Dolphin cleaned below washed with Vinegar & Aired sf People variously employed Served Sour krout Portable Soup Cocoa Sugar &c at Noon Fresh breezes & hazey in Company with the Providence

Friday 19  Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM Seamen Employed Occasionally Gunners Mate & Corporal of Marines cleaning small arms Sailmaker repairing the Studding sails at ½ past 6 in 2nd reef of the Topsails AM Fresh Gales & open Cloudy Weather at 5 out reefs & set the Fore & Main Topmast Studding Sails Employed as before Served Bark to the Ships Company on account of their being much relaxed Saw several Tropic birds & Sheerwaters at Noon Strong breezes & fair Weather in Company with the Providence

Saturday 20  Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM People washing & mending their Coaths at ½ past 6 in Studding sails & 1st reef of the Topsails AM Fresh breezes at ½ past 5 out reefs & set Studding Sails .. Cleaned between decks washed with Vinegar & Aired with Fires Employed as before .. Saw some Porpoises & a Turtle Served Cocoa Sugar Sourkrout Portable Soup &c at Noon Fresh Gales & open Cloudy weather with a following Sea in Company with the Providence

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