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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Oct 10-14, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

October 1792

Wednesday 10  Light airs & open Cloudy Weather Employed scraping & Greasing the Masts Topsail Tyes Sheets &c at 4 PM let go the Best bower Anchor Received Halfhogshead of Arrack at 7 weighed best Bower at ½ past 3 hove short got up Top Gallant yards at 5 weighed & made Sail standing off & on for the Providence at 6 the Providence got under way & Saluted the Fort with 13 Guns & we likewise Saluted with the same Number which was returned by the Fort with 13 Guns made all Sail & stood out for Sea at 3 hove too & hoisted our Boats in received [blank] Pounds of Fresh Beef from the Providence made sail Employed stowing our Anchors & securing every thing for Sea at 3 AM the extreams of Timor in sight from N75°E to N36°E [Paliamoe?] from S55°E to S35°E distant 7 or 8 Miles & the Island Pulocarey N40°E distant 3 Leagues at Noon the extreams of [Paliamoe?] in sight from S25°E to N76°E distant about 3 Leagues & Part of the Island Rotte S20°E Fine Weather in Company with the Providence

Thursday 11  Light Airs & fine Weather PM at 6 the South end of [Paliamoe?] bore SEbE distant 6 Leagues made & shortened sail occasionally AM Moderate & hazey at ½ pat 5 saw the Island Savu the Extreams in sight from SWbW to SWbS distant 4 or 5 Leagues out all reefs & set Studding Sails .. Cleaned between decks washing with Vinegar & Aired with Fires at Noon Light breezes & open Cloudy Weather the Island of Savu bearing from S7°E to N8°E distant 4 Leagues & a small Island to the West end of Savu bearing from S2°W to S20°W distant 5 Leagues In Company with the Providence

Friday 12  Light Airs inclinable to calm PM at 4 the Island Savu bearing the extreams from S12°E to S76°E distant 14 Miles & the Small Island S57°E distant 2 Leagues in 1st reef of the Topsail AM Light airs & hazey at 5 out all reefs & set Studding Sails People employed washing & mending their Cloaths at 10 Answered the signal to come within hail at Noon Light airs & fine Weather in Company with the Providence

Saturday 13  Light breezes & Clear Weather PM Employed as before received by the Providences boat 30 pounds of Fresh Beef Made & shortened sail Occasionally AM AM [sic] Light breezes & Cloudy cleaned between decks washed with Vinegar & Aired with Fires Saw a Flock of Fishing birds & other birds at Noon Light breezes in Company with the Providence

Sunday 14  Light airs & fine Weather PM People employed washing & mending made & shortened sail Occasionally to keep in our Station AM Light breezes & hazey put the Ships Company to an allowance of Water 2 Quarts per Man a Day Saw several Gannets Sheerwaters & a Flock of White birds & a number of Porpoises about the Ship At Noon Light Airs & pleasant Weather in Company with the Providence

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