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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Aug 4-6, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

August 1792

Saturday 4  Strong breezes & thick Rainey Weather at 6 PM Fresh Gales with some Lightning down Fore Top Gallant yard close reefed the Topsails In 2nd reef of the Fore & Aft Mainsail & 1st of the Fore Sail .. Handed the Square Main Sail at 8 Wore Ship .. carried a light as usual .. AM Moderate & hazey Weather at 2 Wore Ship at ½ past 6 Bore up out all Reefs got up the Fore Top Gallant yard & set the Sail at 8 the 2nd Island we discovered bore from S40E to S50E distant [blank] Leagues People Employed Washing & Mending their Cloaths at Noon Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather in Company with the Providence

Sunday 5  Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM People Employed as before at ½ past 5 the Commodore made the Signal to come within Hail which we Answered AM Fresh breezes & fine Weather at 6 our Reefs of the Topsails & set Studding Sails at 9 set royals at ½ past 10 Answered the Signal from the Commodore for seeing Land & saw the Easternmost of Blighs Islands bearing SW½W At Noon Moderate breezes & fine Weather the Island bore S44°W distant about 8 Leagues & a Cluster of Hummock Islands N78W .. in Company with the Providence

Monday 6  Moderate breezes & fine Weather PM at 1 Saw Land bearing WNW at 6 In 2nd reefs of the Top Gallant Sails & Fore & Aft Mainsail Wore & Tacked Ship Occasionally the extreams of the Land from S½W to SEbE .. AM Light breezes & Clear at 4 the Extreams of the 1st. Island from SbE to EbS distant from the body about 4 Miles at ½ past 7 Bore up out Reefs of the Topsails & set Top Gallant Sails at 8 One Canoe with 4 Indians went on board the Providence they came from the 1st. Island .. Island 1 Bore from S54E to S72E distant 6 or 7 Miles Island 2 from N24°E to N31°E distant 5 Leagues Island 3 from S11°E to South Island 4 from South to S7°W distant 3 or 4 Leagues Island 5 from S10°W to S3°W 5 Leagues Island 6 from S65°w to S63W 7 Leagues Island 7 from N33°W to N25°W distant 6 Leagues at Noon Moderate & fine Weather the body of the Southermost small Island SE½E the Northermost large Island East & the Northermost Small Island NE½E distant from the nearest Island about 4 Leagues .. In Company with the Providence

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