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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Aug 7--9, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

August 1792

Tuesday 7  Moderate breezes & fine pleasant Weather at 4 PM the Island in sight One bearing from S21°W to S27°W 4 Leagues One from N9°E to N17°E at 5 in Studding Sails at ½ past Answered the Signal to come within Hail Hove too in Top Gallant sails & 1st reef of the Topsails at ½ past 6 Bore up at [?] Hove too Main Topsail to the [?] AM Moderate & clear at 6 Bore up out all Reefs & set Studding Sails & Main Royals at 8 the Islands in Sight, One bearing NbE½E One EbN & One NbW distant from the nearest 4 or 5 Leagues Cleaned & Aired the Bread room & between Decks at Noon Fine Weather Islands in Sight One bearing N85°E One N31°E One N10°E & a large Island bearing from N19°W to N31°W distant about 8 Leagues In Company with the Providence

Wednesday 8  Moderate breezes & fine Weather at ½ past 1 PM In Studding Sails & hauled by the wind at 5 the Commodore made the Signal to come within hail Answered it & Tacked at ½ past 5 Tacked & spoke the Commodore at 8 [?] body of the large Island NNW distant 18 Leagues AM Moderate & Cloudy at 8 Answered the Signal to come within hail & at ½ past I went on board the Commodore on Duty at 8 the body of the large Island bore North One N62°W & One N63°W One S52°W at ½ past 11 I returned from the Providence People variously Employed at Noon Islands in sight bearing as follows One [?] to [?] One from NW70½W to West & One from WSW to SW .. Fresh breezes & Cloudy Weather in Company with the Providence

Thursday 9  Fresh breezes & Cloudy PM at 6 the bearings of the Islands in Sight One from W¼S to EbN & One [?] AM Fresh breezes Tacked Ship Occasionally per Signal during the Night at 8 Bearings of the Island in Sight One NEbE¼E One NbW & One from NWbW to West made & shortened Sail Occasionally to keep in our Station at Noon Moderate & fine Weather bearings of the Islands in sight One NWbW One from SbW to SW½W & one from WbN to W¼N Broached the 1st. Butt of Water in the Ground Tier People Employed setting up the Top Gallant rigging &c In Company with the Providence

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