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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Aug 1-3, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

August 1792

Wednesday 1  Light breezes & hazey Weather PM Saw several Tropic birds at 5 Saw Savage Island the body bearing WbS distant 6 or 7 Miles made the Signal to the Providence for seeing Land which he Answered & made our Signal to come within hail at ½ past 5 Spoke the Commodore Middle part Light breezes with heavy Rain made & shortened Sail Occasionally AM Moderate breezes & hazey set Studding Sails & shifted them Occasionally Sailmakers Employed mending the linning of the Fore Top Sail & sewing Matts on the Foot of the Topsails unbent the best Main Topsail & bent the other at Noon Moderate breezes & hazey in Company with the Providence

Thursday 2  Moderate breezes & Cloudy Weather PM People Employed at Sundry Jobs on the Rigging at ½ past 5 the Commodore mad our Signal to come withing hail Answered it & hove too at 6 spoke the Commodore & made Sail Middle part Light breezes with Rain in 1st reef of the Topsails & Fore & Aft Mainsail AM Fresh breezes & Cloudy at 7 out all Reefs Set a lower & Topmast Studding Sail People Employed upon the rigging Sailmaker repairing the lining of the Main Topsail & Carpenter making Fair ladders at Noon Fresh Gales & open Cloudy Weather In Studding Sails .. In Company with the Providence

Friday 3  Fresh Gales & Cloudy Weather PM Employed as necessary Punished William Dyer Seaman with 12 Lashes for Disobedience & Contempt to his Superior Officer at ½ past 4 in 1st of the othe Topsails & Fore & Aft Main Sail at 5 the Commodore made the Signal to come withing hail at ½ past [4?] made the Signal for seeing Land hauled our [?] & Tacked off Shore out 3rd reefs of the Topsails & set Top Gallant Sails the body of the Island bearing WbN distant about 6 Miles AM Moderate & Cloudy Made our Signal to carry a light In Top Gallant Sails Wore & Tacked Ship Occasionally as per Signal fromCommodoremodre at 7 Bore up at 8 the extreams of the Island from West to SW½S distant from the NE part of the Island about 2 Leagues at ½ past 11 made the Signal on seeing Land in the SW at Noon the Commodore made the Signal for seeing land in the NW Answered the Signal & saw the Land bearing from S19°E to S75E the body distant 4 or 5 Leagues the body of the 2nd Island [?W] distant 9 Leagues &body boyd of the 3rd Island NNW½W at Noon Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather in Company with the Providence

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