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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jul 27-31, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

July 1792

Friday 27  Fresh Gales & Cloudy Weather PM Sailmaker repairing the Old Jib People Employed Occasionally at 6 In Studding Sails & Top Gallant Sails Close reefed the Topsails took 2 reefs in the Fore & Aft Mainsail & got down the Fore Top Gallant yard at 10 Strong Gales & hazey with a heavy Sea from the Eastward AM Ditto Weather made & shortened Sail Occasionally to keep in our Station at 2 shewed a Light in Answer to the Commodore at 7 got down the Main & Top Gallant yards at 11 out all Reefs of the Main Topsail .. Employed in the Fore hold cleaning away for Water .. People sewing Matts on the Foot of the Foresail at Noon Fresh Gales & open Cloudy Weather in Company with the Providence

Saturday 28  Fresh breezes & hazey with a following Sea PM at 2 out Reefs of the Fore Topsail at ½ past 4 Answered the Signal from the Commodore to Steer WbS & to lead & carry a Light Shortened Sail Close reefed the Topsails & reefed the Fore Sail at 7 out 3rd. reef of the Main Topsail AM Fresh breezes & hazey made & shortened sail Occasionally to keep in our Station Set the Square Mainsail out reefs of the Topsails & Fore Sail & set a Fore Topmast Studding Sail at Noon Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather In Company with the Providence

Sunday 29  Moderate & hazey at 2 PM In Topmast Studding Sail Middle part Squally with constant rain in 2 reefs of each Topsail AM Moderate & Cloudy at 7 out reefs of the Topsails Set Staysails & got up Top Gallant yards & set the Sails Cleared away in the Fore hold & got Water up saw a Number of Tropic birds [Dried?] Studding Sails At Noon Moderate & Clear in Company with the Providence

Monday 30  Moderate & clear at ½ past 1 I went on board the Commodore on duty at 4 returned on board AM Light Airs & open Cloudy Weather at ½ past 2 Tacked & at 4 Wore Ship I saw several Tropic birds & 2 Whales Cleaned below Washed with Vinegar & Aired with Fires Sailmaker Employed sewing a Matt on the Foot of the Square Mainsail at Noon Light Airs & open Cloudy Weather In Company with the Providence

Tuesday 31  Light Airs & open Cloudy Weather People Employed Occasionally Sailmaker as before at 10 hazey rain made & Shortened sail Occasionally to keep in our Station AM Light breezes & hazey at 8 Shortened Sail for the Providence a number of Flying Fish about the Ship .. Saw 2 Tropic birds At Noon Light Showers & hazey with Rain in Company with the Providence

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