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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jul 14-17, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Matavie Bay Otaheite

July 1792

Saturday 14  First part Light airs inclinable to Calm Employed sewing hide on different parts of the Rigging & making Fenders for the Cutter Sail Maker on the Square Mainsail & Carpenter making a Temporary platform in the Launch for conveying the Plants from the Shore on board the Providence Furled all Sails Middle & Latter parts Light Airs & Variably AM sent the Jolly boat on shore to be hauled up Carpenter Employed Taring her bottom & repairing her our Launch carrying plants to the Providence Sailmaker employed as before People making Fenders for the Cutter Greasing the Topsail sheets, Ties, Masts, Tresses &c at Noon Calm & close cloudy weather at 9 AM our Commander began to Superintend carrying the Plants on board the Commodore by his Order

Sunday 15  First part Fresh breezes & Close Cloudy Weather with rain attended with [?igh] flashes of Lightning PM our Launch Employed carrying Plants to the Providence Carpenter on the Jolly boat Sailmaker repairing the Square Mainsail & Seamen making Fenders for the Cutter & Sinnett AM Light breezes & variably People & Sailmaker Employed as before Carpenter caulking in the Scuttles Launch bringing off Plants to the Providence Loosed sails to dry Received a turn of water per Cutter at Noon Moderate & fair weather Furled sails

Monday 16  First part Fresh breezes & Squally with rain at Times PM Launch Employed as before Sailmaker on the Square Mainsail & Carpenter making a Scuttle one being lost overboard & caulking in the remainder Middle part Light airs & close Cloudy weather AM employed as before, Took up the Small bower Anchor the Buoy being lost put another on & Moored as before Loosed sails to dry At Noon Light breezes & close Cloudy weather Furled Sails

Tuesday 17  First part Light breezes & close Cloudy Weather PM Employed making Fenders Received a Turn of Water per Launch & likewise Received our Marines from the Post Middle & Latter parts Light breezes & Variable at 8 AM Swayed up Top Gallant masts & crossed the yards [?] away & took the Small bower Anchor & hove Short on the Best bower, Employed making ready for Sea at Noon Light Airs Inclinable to Calm

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