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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jul 18-21, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

July 1792

Moored in Matavie Bay Otaheite

Wednesday 18  All this day Light breezes & fine Weather PM Employed making ready for Sea Veered away & Moored ¼ of a Cable to the [?] & WSW Point Venus bearing NbE Oparre point SWbW & Single Tree on [?] head S½W at 7 AM Unmoored & hove Short on the Best bower received Water per Jolly boat, Lowered the Topsails I went to Survey the Channel for the Ships going out Veered away &8531; of a Cable service on the Best bower Employed getting ready for Sea & making fenders for the Cutter Ships draught of Water Forward 9 Feet..7 Inches Aft 10..1

Thursday 19  Light breezes & open Cloudy Weather at 3 PM Weighed & came to Sail sent our Launch & Cutter to assist towing the Providence out to Sea got out our Sweeps & Employed Towing & rowing out of the Bay at 5 our Boats Returned Hove too & Hoisted [?] in & stowed the Anchors at 6 Tarra head bore S50W Point Venus East & the West entrance S70½W at 8 Fresh gales & hazey at ½ past 9 Close reefed the Fore Topsail Double reefed the Main Topsail & Fore & Aft Main Sail at 12 Wore Ship AM Fresh breezes & Cloudy Weather Tacked Ship & made & shortened Sail Occasionally at 11 manned Ship & Cheered the King of Otaheite on his departure from the Providence at ¾ past Bore up & made Sail at Noon Fresh Gales & open Cloudy Weather the extreames of Otaheite from S87E to S20W & the body of [?] Island S83E the body of the Island Morea S70°W in Company with the Providence

Friday 20  Fresh breezes & cloudy Weather at 1 PM set Top Gallant Sails Square Main Sail & Starboard lower & Topmast Studding Sails Middle part Moderate & Cloudy Weather Made Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally Fresh breezes & Cloudy at ½ past 5 saw the Island of Huahenia the extreams from 3° Eat to 22° East set Starboard Top Gallant Studding Sails & & our reefs of the Fore & Aft Mainat 7il a7 discovered the royal was lost overboard out of the Main Top at 11 the extreams of the Island in sight from N6°E to N21°W at Noon a Fresh breeze in Company with the Providence

Saturday 21  Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather Carpenter Employed making a royal yard Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally to keep our station AM Moderate & Cloudy cleared the Launch ready for hoisting out at Noon Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather in Company with the Providence

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