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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jul 10-13, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Matavie Bay Otaheite

July 1793 [1792]

Tuesday 10  Moderate & Cloudy PM Sailmaker employed on the Square Mainsail People on board making Fenders for the Launch at 5 cleared hawse Middle & Latter parts Light breezes & open Cloudy Weather AM sent a party on shore to get off the Launch & Water casks Launch Employed wooding & watering Employed in the Fore hold getting Provisions to hand for present use received a turn of water at Noon Light breezes & clear weather

Wednesday 11  All this day Light breezes & cloudy weather Pm received a turn of Wood & Water per Launch brouched the 2nd Butt of Bread & Stowed it in the Bread room & filled the Butt with Water AM received a turn of Wood & Water per Launch & Employed stowing it away Rowsed up the Small bower & spare Cable cleaned the Tier stowed away some Fire wood & coiled the Cables below again Cooper employed repairing Water casks & the Carpenter making a Hatch for the Fore Scuttle the other being lost as a Buoy when Surveying

Thursday 12  First part Light breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM Employed getting up the lower & Topmast rigging Stayed the masts received a turn of water by the Launch Carpenter making a Hatch for the Fore Hatchway & Nailing on a new rudder coat, rove the Running Rigging Middle part Light breezes & clear AM bent the Topsails & Courses, Top Gallant sails & Staysails People employed lacing matts on the Rigging Carpenter as before Received the Square Mainsail from the Tent unrove some of the Running Rigging which was Unserviceable & replaced it with new at Noon Light breezes & Open Cloudy weather at 4 PM the Providence saluted Otoo with 5 Guns on his return from Parpara

Friday 13  First part Light breezes & Cloudy Weather PM Employed lacing matts on the Rigging Carpenter as before & Sailmaker on the Square Mainsail Middle part Light Airs & open Cloudy Weather with rain at times Latter Light Airs AM Sailmaker & Carpenter Employed as before People stowing away the wood in the After hold & on the Rigging Loosed Sails to dry Received a turn of Wood per Launch & Water per Jolly boat

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