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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jul 5-9, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Matavie Bay Otaheite

July 1792

Thursday 5  First & Middle parts Moderate breezes & open Cy Weather Latter Light airs & Hazey with some rain PM People Employed making Platts & Fenders for the Launch Sailmaker converting Main deck Awning into a Square Mainsail Carpenter Painting the Launch at 4 PM as One of the Seamen was Ringing the Bell it broke AM employed as before received a turn of water by the Jolly boat Cooper on shore repairing Water Casks

Friday 6  First part Light breezes & Cloudy weather with rain at times & Lightning in the NE PM Carpenters employed cleaning & Painting the Launch & Sailmakers converting a Square Deck Awning into a Square Mainsail at 2 PM cleared hawse middle part Light Airs & close cloudy Weather with heavy showers of rain & a heavy Swell from the Westward AM Carpenters & Sailmakers employed as before & on board People making Fenders for the Launch Sent a party to haul the Sein which returned without Success Latter part Light breezes & Close Cloudy Weather At Noon Light Airs & Cloudy heard a Clap of Thunder

Saturday 7  First part Light breezes & hazey with frequent heavy Showers of rain employed on board & on shore as before a swell from the NW got a range of the Sheet cable & struck Top Gallant masts Middle part Fresh breezes & Squally with heavy showers of Rain & Lightning in the NW Latter part Light Airs & fair Weather Carpenter Sailmakers & People employed as before Received a turn of Water by the Jolly boat at Noon Light breezes & open Cloudy weather

Sunday 8  All these 24 hours Light breezes & Clear weather PM People Employed washing & mending their Cloaths & Carpenters & Sailmakers employed on shore at 4 cleared hawse AM received wood for present use At Noon Light breezes & fine pleasant weather

Monday 9  First part Moderate breezes & open cloudy Weather Middle part Fresh breezes & Cloudy AM Sailmaker employed on the Square Main Sail & Carpenter paying the Launches bottom restowed the bread room cleaned it out & restowed it scrubed two bolts of Canvas & hung them up to dry People making Fenders for the Launch Latter part Light breezes & Cloudy weather

PreviousJun 29-Jul 4, 1792HomeAssistant LogJul 10-13, 1792Next