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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jun 1-7, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Matavie Bay Otaheite

June 1792

Friday 1  First part Moderate breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM Stowed away the spare Sails in the Sail room Sailmaker employed repairing the new Fore sail Seamen working up Junk Latter part fine clear Weather Seamen employed reeving Hallyards to dress the Ship with Colours on the Kings Birth day received a turn of water by the Launch sent the Fore & Aft Mainsail on shore & the Sailmakers to repair it got the Colours, Lines & Twine up to Air a few Natives off Trading as usual

Saturday 2  Moderate & Clear People employed drawing & knotting yarns stowed away the Lines, Twine & Colours AM Fresh breezes & clear People employed washing & mending their Cloaths

Sunday 3  First part Moderate breezes & clear PM People employed washing & mending their cloaths Middle part Light breezes & clear Latter part Moderate breezes Fidded the Top Gallant masts, broached Half a Hogshead of Spruce Beer

Monday 4  Fresh breezes & clear Weather Middle & Latter parts Moderate & fine pleasant weather AM received a turn of Water per Cutter got up Top Gallant yards dressed the Ship with Colours it being the Anniversary of His Majestys Birth day Served an Extra allowance of Grog to the Ships Company, cleared hawse, At Noon the Marines at the Post fired 5 Vollies of Small Arms

Tuesday 5  Light winds & open cloudy Weather at 1 PM Fired 21 Guns being the Anniversary of the Kings Birth day, at Sun set Hauled down the Colours & got down Top Gallant yards Middle part Moderate & Clear at ½ past 6 they began to display Fire works at the Post on Shore & sent up 2 Balloons alight ½ an hour after each other AM Fine Weather People employed knotting up yarns & making points Sailmakers employed on shore

Wednesday 6  Light breezes & clear weather throughout PM Seamen Employed drawing & knotting yarns & making Points & Spunyarn Sailmaker on Shore mending the Fore & Aft Mainsail & Old Main Topsail Gunner cleaning Small Arms AM Employed as before Very few Natives off Trading

Thursday 7  First & Middle parts Light breezes & clear Weather People employed working up Junk Gunner cleaning small arms Sailmaker as before Latter part fine pleasant weather AM received a turn of Water per Launch got the Cutter on Shore to be repaired & the Carpenter to repair her People employed as before a few Natives off Trading

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