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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jun 8-12, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Matavie Bay Otaheite

June 1792

Friday 8  First part Light Airs & open Cloudy Weather People employed working up Junk making Points & Spunyarn Carpenter on Shore repairing the Cutter & Sailmaker repairing the old Fore & Aft Mainsail Middle part Light Airs & clear at ½ past 10 PM Saw an Indian swimming from the Providence towards the Shore sent a boat & found it was a Woman that had come out of the Providence Latter part Moderate & Hazey at 6 AM sent the Carpenter & Sailmakers on shore Employed on board making points & Spunyarn Gunner cleaning Small Arms

Saturday 9  First part Fresh breezes & Cloudy Weather Middle part Light airs & open Cloudy Weather Latter Moderate & clear PM Employed working up Junk Sailmaker & Carpenter on Shore repairing the Cutter & Fore & Aft Mainsail and one hand repairing the Middle Staysail on board AM sent the Carpenter & Sailmaker on Shore as usual received a turn of Water per Jolly boat at 8 Sent a party on shore to cut Firewood for the Ships use People Employed on board making spunyarn & Gaskitts & the Cooper setting up Casks

Sunday 10  All these 24 hours Light breezes & fine open Cloudy Weather PM Employed as before Received on board some Firewood by the Launch At Noon Fine clear weather

Monday 11  First part Light breezes & fine weather Middle part Calm Latter part Moderate & clear AM People employed as before on board & on Shore a few Natives off as usual

Tuesday 12  Moderate breezes & Clear Weather PM received on board the Fore & Aft Mainsail from the Tent & sent the Square Mainsail on shore to be repaired people employed on board making Gaskets Carpenter on shore repairing the Cutter & Sailmaker repairing the Square Mainsail & a party cutting Firewood Middle part Moderate & clear at 10 PM heard a Musquet Fired on Shore at the Post Latter part Moderate & clear AM Employed as before the Musquet that was fired at 10 PM this day wounded an Indian who was seen lurking about the Post

PreviousJun 1-7, 1792HomeAssistant LogJun 13-16, 1792Next