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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook May 27-31, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Matavie Bay Otaheite

May 1792

Sunday 27  Fresh breezes and Cloudy PM People employed washing & mending their cloaths Middle part Moderate and Cloudy Latter Moderate and Hazey the Commodore Visited us Saluted him with 4 Guns & 7 Swivels

Monday 28  First part Fresh breezes & hazey weather with rain Middle Light breezes & hazey with Rain & Lightning Latter part Variable Weather AM Carpenter making a Top Gallant mast People working up Junk & Gunner cleaning Small arms

Tuesday 29  First part Light airs & cloudy Weather People employed working up Junk Carpenter as before Sailmaker repairing the Fore Top mast Staysail Middle part Light airs & clear Weather AM Employed as before Hove in the Small bower Cable one platt being washed off, put two old Studding sail guys on as rounding in the same place Fixed a new painter to the Cutter Supplied the Providence with a Halfhogshead which was cut in Half the to Old [Hold?] large Bread Fruit plants

Wednesday 30  Moderate & open Cloudy Weather PM Seamen employed making Points Spunyarn &c bent the Fore Topmast Staysail Middle part Fresh breezes & clear The Gunner Employed cleaning Small arms & loading the Guns & Swivels Carpenter making a Royal mast Top Gallant Cap & Cross Trees Boatswain serving the Fore Sheets &c Latter part Moderate & fine open Cloudy Weather AM got the Top Gallant masts down & swayed up the new Top Gallant masts Aft & the Main Top Gallant mast Forward Carpenter employed making a royal mast Seamen refitting the Main Top Gallant rigging to fit the new Top Gallant mast & fitting the rigging for the new royal mast & making Spunyarn received a Turn of Water

Thursday 31  Moderate breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM Seamen employed working up Junk Carpenter fishing the Pole of the old Fore Top Gallant mast Sailmaker repairing the Old Fore sail got up & Fidded the Main Royal mast filled 4 rounds of Powder Middle part Ditto Weather Latter fine weather got the Spare sails out of the Sail room & hoisted them up to dry Seamen employed working up Junk Sailmaker overhauling the best Fore Sail Aired the Sail room with Fires

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