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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Mar 29-31, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

March 1792

Thursday 29  Light breezes & Open Cloudy Weather People Employed Scraping & Scrubing the Bends & making Sinnett Sailmaker & Carpenter Employed as before at 6 In 1st. Reef of the Topsails AM Light winds & Clear Weather Out Reef of the Topsails .. Scrubed Hammocks ... People Employed making Sinnett Sailmaker Repairing the Old Fore Topsail making a Quarter deck Awning & Mending a Topmast Studding Sail & Marines Exercised at Small Arms Rove new Jib Whips At Noon Moderate & Open Cloudy Weather Providence SE ¾ of a Cable ... Served Barley Portable Soup & Vinegar

Friday 30  Moderate breezes & open Cloudy Weather Sailmaker Employed as before at ½ past 6 PM in 1st. Reef of the Topsails Middle parts Moderate & Hazey Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM Moderate & Cloudy out Reef of the Topsails Saw a Tropic bird ... Sailmaker Employed as before People washing & mending their Cloaths At Noon Moderate & fine Open Cloudy Weather Providence East ¾ of a Cable ... Served Barley Portable Soup & Sweet Wort as usual

Saturday 31  Moderate breezes & Cloudy Saw several Egg & Tropic birds at 1 Shortened Sail & hove too Main Topsail to the mast The Providences boat came on board for our Commander who went on board the Commodore on duty ½ past filled & made Sail at ¾ past 5 Shortened Sail Our Commander Returned Middle parts Fresh breezes & Cloudy in Top Gallant Sails & 2nd. Reef of the Topsails AM Ditto Weather with Rain Squalls Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally Out 2nd. Reef of the Topsails People Employed washing & mending their Cloaths At Noon Moderate & fine open Cloudy Weather Providence NWbN ½ a Cable

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