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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Apr 1-3, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

April 1792

Sunday 1  Moderate Breezes & Fair Weather PM Set the Fore Top Gallant Sail People Employed Occasionally Middle parts Moderate & Cloudy Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM Fresh breezes & Clear a flying Fish flew on deck & was caught Saw several Egg Birds ... Mustered the Ships Company At Noon Moderate & fine pleasant Weather Providence NbW 1 Cable .. Served Wheat & Portable Soup to the Ships Company

Monday 2  Moderate breezes & fine open Cloudy Weather Saw Two Tropic Birds & an Egg bird ... Exercised Great Guns & fired at a Mark ... In 1st reef of the Topsails Middle parts Light breezes & fine Weather AM Light breezes & Hazey with Rain Out Reefs of the Topsails Sailmaker Employed repairing the Fore Top Sail & fitting the 2nd. deck Awning & Repairing the Rigging At Noon Moderate & fine pleasant Weather Providence NWbW ½ a Cable Served Bore Cole Wheat & Portable Soup as usual

Tuesday 3  Moderate & fine Weather Seamen Employed making Sinnett Sailmaker Roping the Quarter deck Awning & Marines Cleaning their Arms in 1st. Reef of the Topsails AM Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather hauled the Small bower Cable on deck & cleaned the Tier Sailmaker Employed on the 2nd. deck Awning Saw several Sheerwaters & Egg birds At Noon Ditto Weather Providence West ¾ of a Cable Served Portable Soup & Wheat

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