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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Mar 21-24, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

March 1792

Wednesday 21  Fresh Gales & dark Cloudy Weather with Rain Saw some dark Sheer Waters Rove a New Tiller Rope at ½ past 4 In 1st & 2nd reefs of the Main Topsail at 5 Out Ditto & got up the Main Top Gallant yard AM Moderate & Cloudy Out all Reefs & set the Main Top Gallant Sail Fidded the Fore Top Gallant mast got up the yard & set the Sail .. Employed [Fresh?] bending the Sails .. Cleaned below Aired with Fires & washed with Vinegar At Noon Light breezes & fine open Cloudy Weather Providence [blank]

Thursday 22  Light winds & fine pleasant Weather PM Employed sewing Matts on the Foresail a great number of bright Appearances on the Water AM Moderate breezes & Squally ... Loosed Studding Sails to dry Got the Small bower Cable up to dry & Air also got up Beef, Pork & Bread At Noon Moderate & open Cloudy Weather Providence [blank]

Friday 23  Moderate & Clear PM Sailmaker repairing the Fore Topsail Coiled the Small bower Cable below In 1st. reef of the Topsails & Fore & Aft Mainsail In Top Gallant Sails & got down the Fore Top Gallant yard AM Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather Got up the Fore Top Gallant yard & set the Sail Out all reefs & set Studding Sails At Noon Moderate & Hazey Providence [blank] Served Sweet Wort to the Ships Company

Saturday 24  Moderate breezes & Open Cloudy Weather PM Employed Occasionally In Studding Sails & 1st. Reef of the Topsails & Fore & Aft Mainsail AM Moderate & Clear out Reefs & Set Studding Sails Cleaned below washed with Vinegar & Aired with Fires & Aired the People bedding At Noon Moderate & fine pleasant Weather Providence [blank]

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