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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Mar 17-20, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

March 1792

Saturday 17  Moderate breezes & open Cloudy Weather PM Out Reefs of the Topsails & Fore & Aft Main Sail Got up the Main Top Gallant yard & set the Sail Middle parts Moderate & Cloudy In 1st Reef of the Topsails AM Ditto Weather Out Reefs of the Topsails Got up the Fore Top Gallant yard & set the Sail Sailmaker Employed repairing the New Fore Topsail People Clearing away in the Fore Hold for Water At Noon Moderate & Open Cloudy Weather Providence EbS 1 Cable ... Saw 3 Whales Served Barley Portable Soup & Sweet Wort

Sunday 18  Light winds & open Cloudy Weather Unbent the Small bower Cable Sailmaker Employed as before Saw a number of Illuminery[?] Appearances on the Water Middle parts Calm & Cloudy Latter Light breezes AM Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally Saw an Albetross & a Quaker bird At Noon Moderate & open Cloudy Weather Providence ENE ½ a Cable ... Served Barley Portable Soup & Sweet Wort

Monday 19  Fresh breezes & Cloudy Saw several Albetross & Dark Sheerwaters at 10 Squally In Top Gallant Sails 1st & 2nd. Reefs of the Fore Topsail 1st of the Main Topsail & Fore & Aft Main Sail Middle parts Fresh breezes & dark Cloudy Weather AM Out Reefs of the Topsails & Fore & Aft Mainsail at ½ past 9 Got down the Fore Top Gallant yard Saw several Quaker Birds At Noon Fresh Gales & Cloudy with a heave Sea from the NW Shiped much water on deck Providence NbE ½ a Cable .. Served Barley Portable Soup Vinegar Sourkrout & Sweet Wort

Tuesday 20  Fresh Gales & Cloudy Saw several Quaker birds & an Albetross In 1st. & 2nd. Reefs of the Topsails & Fore & Aft Mainsail & 1st. Reef of the Foresail Saw several Luminous Appearances in the Water AM Fresh Gales & Cloudy at 9 More Moderate out 2nd & 1st Reefs of the Main Topsail At Noon Fresh Gales & Hazey with drizling Rain Providence North 1 Cable

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