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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Mar 13-16, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

March 1792

Tuesday 13  Light breezes & Hazey Saw a Sheerwater & several Blue Petrils an Albetross & 2 Quaker birds Middle parts Moderate & Cloudy Latter Fresh breezes & Hazey AM In Top Gallant Sails & 1st. reefs of the Fore & Aft & Square Mainsails & 1st. Reef of the Topsails At Noon Moderate & Hazey Weather Providence ENE ½ a Cable ... Served Barley Portable Soup & Sourkrout

Wednesday 14  Fresh breezes & thick Hazey Weather with Rain Saw some Quaker Birds Albetross & Blue Petrils Middle parts Moderate & Hazey Weather in 2nd Reef of the Fore Topsail got down the Fore Top Gallant yard & struck the Fore Top Gallant mast AM Fresh breezes & thick Hazey Weather Got down the Main Top Gallant yard & struck the Mast In 1st. Reef of the Foresail Close reefed the Topsails & Fore & Aft Mainsail At Noon Fresh Gales & Hazey Providence East ½ a Cable Served Portable Soup Barley & Sourkrout

Thursday 15  Strong Gales & Hazey Saw an Albetross & a Gull at ½ past 6 PM Furled the Fore Topsail Middle parts Strong Gales & thick Hazey Weather AM Fresh Gales & Cloudy Saw some Quaker Birds & Albetross Out 3rd. Reef of the Main Topsail Shiped a great quantity of Water & a heavy Sea coming in broke the Pork Harness Cask from its Lashings & washed the Cask & Eighty Seven Single Pieces of Pork overboard .. Employed in the Fore Hold Cleaning away For Bread & Water At Noon Strong Gales & thick Hazey Weather Providence EbS 1 Cable Served Barley Portable Soup & Sourkrout

Friday 16  Strong Gales & Cloudy Saw some Sheerwaters Quaker birds & Petrils AM Fresh breezes Out 3rd & 2nd. Reefs of the Topsails & 2nd of the Fore & Aft Mainsail .. Held a Survey on some damaged Bread Condemned & threw overboard Five Hundred Pounds Cleaned between decks & Aired with Fires At Noon Fresh breezes & Cloudy Providence EbN ½ a Cable

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