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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Mar 10-12, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

March 1792

Saturday 10  Light Airs & Clear Weather PM Shortened Sail the Providence sent her boat for our Commander who went on board On Duty Stowed away the Spare Sails at ½ past 2 Clewed up the Topsails to repair the Linnings & at ½ past 3 Set them at 6 Shortened Sail our Commander Returned from the Providence ¾ past Made Sail Middle parts Moderate breezes & Clear Weather AM Fresh breezes In 1st & 2nd Reefs of the Fore Topsail & 1st Reef of the Main Topsail at ½ past 9 Tacked Ship Saw many Albetross & Quaker Birds a few Port Egmont Hens some Blue Petrils & a Mother Careys Chicken At Noon Ditto Breezes & Hazey Weather Providence ESE ½ a Cable ... Served Portable Soup

Sunday 11  Strong Breezes & thick Hazey Weather Saw several Albetross Quaker Birds & Port Egmont Hens & passed some Kelp PM down Top Gallant yards & Struck the Fore Top Gallant mast In 1st. reef of the Courses & Fore & Aft Mainsail Middle parts Fresh breezes & Hazey with Rain AM Ditto Weather Out Reefs of the Top Sails & Fore & Aft Mainsail Fidded the Fore Top Gallant mast got up Top Gallant yards & set the Main Top Gallant Sail Employed clearing away in the Fore Hold for Water At Noon Fresh breezes & Hazey Providence ENE ½ a Cable ... Served Portable Soup & Barley as usual for Breakfast

Monday 12  Moderate & thick Foggy Weather PM Set the Fore Top Gallant Sail Middle parts Moderate & Hazey AM Ditto Weather Saw an Albetross & a Blue Petril .. Out Reef of the Mainsail .. Cleaned between Decks Aired with Fires & washed with Vinegar At Noon Light Airs & thick Hazey Weather with Rain Tacked Ship The Providence bearing EbS ⅔ of a Cable Served Portable Soup Sourkrout Vinegar & Sweet Wort made from Dried Malt

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