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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Feb 22-23, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

February 1792

Working out from Adventure Bay New Holland

Wednesday 22  First & Middle parts Light Variable winds & open Cloudy Weather at 4 PM Weighed & came to Sail Employed towing farther out & came too with the Best bower in 14 Fathoms Water Cape Frederick Henry NNE & Penguin Island East at 6 AM Weighed & came to Sail in Company with the Providence under single Reefed Topsails & Fore Sail at 7 Out Reefs of the Topsails & set Top Gallant Sails at 10 Wore & hauled our wind to the Southward At Noon Tacked Ship

At Single Anchor in Adventure Bay New Holland

Thursday 23  Fresh breezes & fine Weather PM Tacked Ship Occasionally at 2 In Main Top Gallant Sail & 1st. Reef of the Fore Topsail & got down the Fore Top Gallant yard Cape Frederick Henry SW½W at ½ past 3 it blowing hard carried away the Fore yard in the Lee Quarter of the yard lowered the yard down & unbent the Sail Employed Rigging & getting up the Old Fore yard ... Set a Double Reefed Fore Topsail with one Sheet to the Cathead & the other on the Quarter deck at 5 Bent the Foresail to the Old Fore yard at 6 The Providence made the Signal to Anchor Set the Fore Sail up Fore Top Gallant yard & set the Sail & Out Reefs of the Fore Topsail ... Hauled up a range of each Cable & got all clear for coming to an Anchor at 11 PM Shortened Sail & came too in Adventure Bay with the Best bower in 15 Fathoms Water Penguin Island bearing EbN & Cape Frederick Henry NNE Middle part Fresh breezes & dark Cloudy Weather Latter Light breezes & Cloudy unbent the Fore Topsail & bent the new one unsliped the [?] masts Unbent the Trysail Shiped the Main boom & bent the new Fore & Aft Main Sail Sailmaker Employed reducing the Fore Sail to fit the Old Fore yard At Noon Shifted the Foresail Carpenter making a Studding Sail yard

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