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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Feb 17-21, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Adventure Bay New Holland

February 1792

Friday 17  First part Fresh breezes & Cloudy People Employed upon the rigging & making Sinnett Middle part Moderate & clear Latter Fresh breezes & Squally ... Sailmaker finished the Fore Sail .. Bent Ditto scraped & greased the Masts Topsail Sheets Ties &c

Saturday 18  First part Fresh breezes & Cloudy Employed upon the Rigging & working up Junk Sailmaker repairing the Trysail Received on board 9 Spars & some Water per Cutter Carpenter Employed making a Topmast [Sliding?] Sail boom Middle & Latter parts Fresh Gales & Squally Employed as before

Sunday 19  First part Fresh breezes & Squally with Showers of Rain & Hail People Employed making Sinnett & lacing hide on the Fore yard Carpenter making Studding Sail booms & Sailmaker repairing the Middle Staysail Middle & Latter parts Fresh breezes & Squally with heavy Rain & Hail Received Water per Cutter ... Cleaned below .. Sailmaker repairing the Main Topmast Staysail At Noon Moderate & Cloudy ... Ships draught of Water Forward 9 Feet..2 Inches Aft 10..2

Monday 20  First part Moderate breezes with Showers of Rain a Party of People cutting Brooms & Fire wood & Carpenter cutting Spars Received on board 7 Spars Middle part Calm & Cloudy Latter Light Variable winds & fine Weather Sent the Cutter for Water William Bennett Seaman absented himself from the Boat ... A party of People from us & 2 Men from the Providence seeking for him Loosed Sails to Dry Sailmaker Repairing the Studding Sails

At Single Anchor in Adventure Bay New Holland

Tuesday 21  All these 24 Hours Light Variable winds & fine Weather Employed Occasionally at 3 PM Unmoored & hove into ¼ of a Cable on the Best bower AM The Two Men from the Providence found William Bennett in the Woods & sent him on board ... Made a Halfhogshead of Spruce Beer & served to the Ships Company

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