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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Feb 12-16, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Adventure Bay New Holland

February 1792

Sunday 12  All this day Moderate & Cloudy PM OPened a Cask of Beef Marked RH No. 1323 Contents 66 Double Pieces & a Cask of Pork Marked RH No. 1078 Contents 120 Double Pieces Employed on Shore Cutting Wood .. Coiled the Best bower Cable below AM Received Water per Cutter ... Loosed Sails to dry Party of People on Shore Wooding

Monday 13  All this day Moderate & fine open Cloudy Weather Unbent the New Fore Sail PM Employed on Shore Wooding Received Water per Cutter & several turns of Wood From Jolly boat AM Employed on Shore as before & on board stowing away Wood & Sailmaker Enlarging the Old Fore Sail

Tuesday 14  First part Moderate breezes & Clear Employed on Shore Wooding ... Jolly boat bringing off Wood ... Employed on board Stowing Ditto away & Sailmaker as before ... Served Fish to the Ships Company Middle parts Light Airs & Cloudy Latter Moderate breezes with Showers of Rain Employed as before

Wednesday 15  All this day Fresh breezes & Squally with Showers of Rain PM a Party on Shore Wooding .. Sailmaker Enlarging the Old Fore Sail Received on board Water per Cutter AM Employed as before loosed sails to Dry Towards Noon Moderate & Cloudy

Thursday 16  First & Middle parts Fresh breezes & Squally with Rain Latter Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather a party of People on Shore Wooding others Hauling the Sein but caught no Fish Sailmaker as before AM Employed on Shore Cutting Spars, Gathering Tea & Brooming Sailmaker Employed on board sewing Hide on the Foot of the Old Foresail & People making Robins

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