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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Feb 9-11, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Adventure Bay New Holland

February 1792

Thursday 9  Light Airs & Hazey Weather Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally at 5 PM Penguin Island bore NE Middle part Moderate & Hazey at 12 The Eastern extreame NW½N AM Light winds & Hazey Weather Made & Shortened Sail & Tacked Whip Occasionally to stand in for Adventure Bay at 6 Hoisted out the Cutter & Employed Towing into the Bay at ½ past 7 Shortened Sail & came too with the Small bower in 8 Fathoms Water in Adventure Bay New Holland .. Furled Sails .. at 11 Moored Ship the Best bower to the NE & the Small Bower to the SW. The North Point of the Bay bearing NNE The East point N60E & Penguin Island N57E ... Ships draught of Water Forward 8..6 Aft 10..3

Friday 10  First part Light Variable Weather a Party of People on Shore Wooding & others Hauling the Seine got the Sheet Anchor over the Gunwhale & bent the Cable ... Scrubed the Ships sides Middle parts Light breezes & Hazey Latter Ditto Weather with Rain at times got the Main Top Gallant mast on deck & struck the Main Topmast Unrigged Ditto & got the broken Cross Tree on deck Carpenter Employed fitting the new ones a Party of People on Shore Wooding & Hauling the Sein[e] Employed on board Cleaning the Fore hold for the Wood At Noon Calm & Dark Hazey Weather

Saturday 11  First part Light breezes & Hazey with Rain at Times rigged the Main Topmast & Fidded Ditto & the Main Top Gallant mast Employed on Shore as before Middle parts Fresh Gales & Squally Struck lower yards & Top Gallant masts & pointed yards to the Wind Latter part Moderate & Cloudy Employed on Shore Wooding Roused up the Best Bower Cable At Noon Moderate & open Cloudy Weather

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