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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Feb 6-8, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

February 1792

Monday 6  Fresh breezes & fine Weather Saw several Blue Petrils & Sheerwaters Carried away the Fore part of the Main Topmast Trussell [trestle] Trees got down the Main Top Gallant yard & secured the Heel of the Top Gallant mast at ½ past 5 got up the Main Top Gallant yard & set the Sail Middle parts Fresh breezes & Clear Weather AM Fresh breezes & Hazey Out Reef of the Main Sail Saw several Albatrosses & Sheerwaters People Employed Occasionally Marines Cleaning their Arms At Noon Fresh breezes & fine pleasant Weather Providence EbN ½ a Mile Served Portable Soup

Tuesday 7  Moderate & Fine Weather Marines Employed cleaning their Arms Seamen Repairing the Rigging Saw some Rock weed Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM Fresh breezes & clear Weather at ½ past 9 Carried away the Fore Topmast Studding Sail Haulyards Saw some Gulls Albatrosses Blue Petrils & Mother Careys Chickens Employed as before At Noon Fresh breezes & Hazey Weather Providence EbN 1½ Cables

The Extremes of New Holland from NEbE to WNW

Wednesday 8  Strong breezes & Hazey PM Sailmaker Employed repairing the Studding Sails In Top Gallant Sails & 1st Reefs of the Topsails saw some Albatrosses & Mother Careys Chickens Middle part Moderate & thick hazey Weather Set the Main Top Gallant Sail AM Fresh breezes & hazey Set the Fore Top Gallant sail & Out Reefs of the Topsails at 5 The Commodore made the Signal for seeing Land Answered Ditto & saw the Land bearing ENE distant 7 Leagues at ½ past 8 The extremes of New Holland in sight bearing from NW½N to NE½E distant off Shore about 4 Leagues & the Mewstone NE½N about 5 Miles Bent the Small bower Cable & got the Anchors over the Gunwhale ... Cleaned below ... Saw several Gannets At Noon Light breezes & fine Weather The extreames of the Land from NEbE to WNW & the Mewstone W½S

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