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PreviousFeb 22-23, 1792HomeAssistant LogFeb 28-Mar 3, 1792Next

Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Feb 24-27, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

February 1792

Friday 24  Light Airs & Hazey Weather PM Sailmaker Employed as before mending the Lining of the Fore Topsail & sewing the Matt on at ½ past 6 Weighed & came to Sail Stowed the Anchors & Unbent Sheet Cable at ½ past 8 Penguin Island WSW distant 3 Miles at 9 Squally In Top Gallant Sails Close Reefed the Topsails & in 1st. Reef of the Square Mainsail Middle & Latter parts Fresh Gales & heavy Squalls with Rain AM In 1st. & 2nd. Reefs of the Fore & Aft Mainsail down Top Gallant yards & struck Top Gallant masts Set a double Reefed Fore Sail & Fore Topmast Staysail Shiped much Water on Deck Saw several Albatrosses & Sea Swallows Served Portable Soup & Barley broth to the Ships Company At Noon Strong Gales & Squally Providence SbE 2 Cables

Saturday 25  Strong Gales & Squally with Rain at ½ past 12 PM In Top Sails & at ½ past 3 Set the Main Topsail Middle parts Fresh Gales & Squally with Rain at times & a long following Swell .. Secured the Boats AM Fresh breezes & fair Weather Set the Fore Top Sail Out 2nd. & 1st. Reefs of the Fore & Aft Main Sail & 3rd & 2nd Reefs of the Topsails Fidded the Main Top Gallant mast & got up the yard Out Reefs of the Fore Sail & Main Topsail at 11 Set the Main Top Gallant Sail Saw an Albetross & some Sea Swallows At Noon Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather Providence SE½S 2 Cables Served Vinegar Sourkrout & Barley broth to the Ships Company

Sunday 26  Ditto Weather PM Out reef of the Fore Topsail Fidded the Fore Top Gallant mast got the yard up & set the Sail lost overboard by Accident the Copper Funnell of the Caboose Middle & Latter parts Fresh breezes & Hazey AM Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally Saw Several Albetrosses ... Cleaned Ship between decks & Aired with Fires At Noon Moderate & very Hazey Providence SEbE ½ a Cable Served Barley & Portable Soup for breakfast & Fresh Pork Barley Broth & Mustard for Dinner

Monday 27  Fresh breezes & Hazey PM Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally AM Moderate & Cloudy Cleaned between decks & Aired with Fires .. Fitted new Man [?] to the Bowsprit At Noon Moderate & fair Providence East ½ Cable Served Barcole Barley & Portable Soup ... Saw several Albetrosses

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