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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jul 28-Aug 4, 1791

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored at Spithead

July 1791

Thursday 28  All these 24 Hours Moderate & Fair Weather Employed working up Junk &c

Friday 29  First part Moderate & fair Middle Light Airs & Cloudy Latter Moderate breezes Sailed hence His Majestys Ship Salisbury AM Received Empty Casks Sailed hence His Majestys Brigs [Prislis?] & Scout. at 6 Unmoored

Saturday 30  Moderate & Cloudy towards Midnight Fresh Gales with Rain Struck Top Gallant masts AM more moderate at 8 Swayed up Top Gallant masts

Sunday 31  All this day Moderate & fine Weather People Employed working up Junk Scraping & Greasing the Topmasts Top Gallant masts &c


Monday 1  Moderate & Cloudy at 1 PM Weighed & Shifted our Birth more to the Eastward People Employed working up Junk.

At Single Anchor at Spithead

Tuesday 2  First part Strong Gales & Cloudy Middle & Latter More moderate at 8 PM Moored Ship with Half a Cable each way South Sea Castle EbN Monkton Fort NWbN the [Mark?] on [Ashdown?] WSW at 6 AM Unmoored & loosed the Topsail.

St Albans head North 8 Leagues

Wednesday 3  First part Light breezes & Cloudy Middle Fresh breezes & Squally Latter Moderate & Clear at 1 PM Weighed & came to Sail in Company with the Providence AM at 9 Set Fore Topmast & Set Gallant Studding Sails & Royals at Noon St. Albans Head North distant 8 Leagues

Portland N27°W distant 31 Miles

Thursday 4  First part Moderate & Clear Middle Light Airs Inclinable to Calm Latter Light breezes PM at 4 Saw Cape De La Hague bearing S½E & the Island of Alderny SSW½W Tacked Ship & made & shortened Sail Occasionally AM Opened a Cask of Beef Mark RH–No. 2321 Contents 44 Double Pieces & a Cask of Pork Mark RH No. 1847 Contents 56 Double Pieces Served Vinegar to the Ships Company. At Noon In Company with the Providence

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