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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jul 21-27, 1791

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored at Spithead

July 1791

Thursday 21  Fresh breezes & Cloudy PM Received on board 3 Halfhogsheads of Wine & 6 Small Cags [kegs?] of Essence of Malt This Evening Admiral Roddam came on board to see the Ship AM Light breezes & Clear at 6 Weighed the Small bower Anchor & Unbent the Cable to Return it being very much Chaffed at 7 Moored with the Cadge & Hawser . . . Carpenter Employed blacking the Bends.

Friday 22  Light winds & fine Weather PM Returned the Small bower Cable Carpenters nailing on the Rudder Coat Received on board [blank] Bales & 2 Bags of Slops & Carpenters & Boatswains Stores &c

Saturday 23  First part Light winds & fine Weather Middle & Latter Fresh breezes & Cloudy with Rain PM Bent the Small bower Cable Received on board 24 Bags of Bread 1 Firken of Butter & 50 pounds of Cheese AM The Ships Company went on board the Providence to Receive their Two Months Advance

Sunday 24  First part Moderate Gales Middle Fresh breezes with Rain Latter More Moderate PM Employed Occasionally AM The Clerk of the Cheque Mustered the Ships Company & Paid the Bounty Received Beer & Water & Returned Empty Casks

Monday 25  First part Moderate breezes Middle & Latter Strong Gales Employed working up Junk

Tuesday 26  All this day Fresh Gales & Cloudy Weather with Rain Employed Occasionally Exercised Great Guns & Small Arms.

Wednesday 27  First part Moderate Gales & Cloudy Middle & Latter Strong Gales with Rain Towards Noon more moderate loosed Sails to Dry Employed working up Junk.

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