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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jul 14-20, 1791

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Beachey Head WbN 3 Leagues

July 1791

Thursday 14  Light breezes & Cloudy with Rain at Times Still lying too at 4 PM Made Sail in Company with the Providence at 8 The South Foreland ENE & Folkstone NbW. Tacked Ship Occasionally at 12 South Foreland light NNE½E distant 3 Leagues AM Ditto Weather Tacked Ship Occasionally at 8 Dungeness Light house EbN at 12 Beachy head WbN Distant 3 Leagues & the Providence WbS 3 Miles.

Beachey Head East

Friday 15  Fresh breezes & Cloudy at 4 PM Beachey head N½E distant 5 Leagues Tacked Ship Occasionally AM Light breezes & Clear at 9 Passed an English Frigate At Noon Ditto Weather Shoreham NbE½E & Beachey head East & the Providence NbW 2 Cables.

Moored at Spithead

Saturday 16  Moderate & Clear PM Tacked Ship Occasionally Saw the Isle of Wight the Extremes from NWbW to WNW At Noon came too with the Small bower Anchor at Spithead & Moored with a Cable each way South Sea Castle bearing ENE Monkton Fort NNE & the [Mark?] on [?down] SEbE

Sunday 17  All this day Moderate breezes & Hazey Weather Unbent the Main Sail & Top Gallant Sails.

Monday 18  Fresh breezes & thick hazey Weather PM Employed as necessary AM Ditto Weather Stayed the Main masts more [?] & Set up The Lower Rigging

Tuesday 19  Light Airs Inclinable to Calm Stayed the Fore Mast set up the Lower Rigging Loosed Sails to Dry AM Employed as necessary

Wednesday 20  Fresh breezes & Cloudy PM Employed setting up the Topmast Rigging AM Ditto Weather with Rain at Times Employed upon the Rigging

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