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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Feb 1, 1793

Remarks ♀ [Friday] February 1 1793 Providence From St

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes & fair Weather

 2 pm: Flying Fish & Sea-weed seen

 3 pm: Smith the Armourers Effects sold by Auction for the Benefit of his Friends – and Thompsons (being run) for the Chest at Chatham[*]. The Otaheiteans Curiosities sold exceedingly well. Before Dark Took in the Lower & Top Gallant Studding sails.

 8 pm: Squally with light Drops of rain in Fore Top Mast Studding sail.

12 mid: Cloudy Weather

 4 am: Fresh Gale with frequent light Squalls

 5 am: At Daybreak – Set Studding sails

 6 am: The usual Morning Duty done.

 8 am: Cloudy – Sun seen at Intervals

 9 am: Slops & Tobacco served to the Ships Company.

10 am: People mostly employed washing and mending their Clothes

11 am: Tropic & other Birds seen

12 noon: At Noon Fresh Breeze with light Squalls at Times
Assistant in Company

[* "The Chatham Chest was a fund set up around 1590 to pay pensions to disabled seamen. It was financed by members' contributions which were deducted from their pay, and has therefore been described as the world's first occupational pension scheme. The assets of the scheme were held in an actual chest which is also called the Chatham Chest. The Chest was previously located in the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich, London., and is now on display at The Museum of the Royal Dockyard, in Chatham Historic Dockyard." -- Wikipedia

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