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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jan 31, 1793

Remarks ♃ [Thursday] 31st St Vincent towards Jamaica

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes & fair Weather with Haze

 2 pm: Sea-weed seen

 4 pm: An increasing Breeze and fine Weather

 5 pm: Pumps worked to ventilate the Ship below as usual. Before Dark – In Studding sails and single reefed the Topsails.

 8 pm: At 8 Fresh Gale & Cloudy Weather Set the Fore Top Mast Studding sail. at 10 Squally – took it in again

12 mid: Tolerably fine Night.

 3 am: Strong Squalls with light rain – Shortened and made Sail occasionally

 5 am: At Day break – steady Breeze & fair Weather

 6 am: Set the Lower & Fore Top Mast Studding sail

 8 am: Fair Weather and hazey. Sailmakers making and fixing a new Quarter Deck Awning – Fresh Beef today for the People, and Spruce Beer as usual every other Day

11 am: Very Squally with smart Showers of rain

12 noon: At Noon – Squally with Haze & frequent rain
Assistant in Company

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