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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jan 30, 1793

Remarks ☿ [Wednesday] January 30th 1793 H.M.S. Providence From

 1 pm: Frequent Puffs of Wind off the Land accompanied with Showers of rain fine Weather in the Intervals – Boat on shore for the Captain and preparing on board for Sea. – Let fall the Topsails and fired a Gun, at Sunset rolled them up again – Two Quarters of fresh Beef received on board – At 7 the Captain came, many shore Gentlemen on board to take leave of the Captain and Officers

 7 pm: At 7:30 Weighed under Double reefed Topsails – Fired a Gun and hoisted in the Boats

 8 pm: At 8 Kingstown Bore EbyN 1½ Mile then abreast of Berkshire Point

10 pm: At 10 the Extremes of the Island SEbE to NE off shore 4 or 5 Mile – Strong Breezes & Cloudy Weather Out 2nd reefs and carrying all possible Sail

 1 am: Set Top Gallant sails.

 4 am: Fresh Breezes and Cloudy Weather – Not able to se the Land thro the Haze.

 6 am: Squally with rain at Times – made and shortened Sail occasionally.

 8 am: Hazey Weather – Washed below and cleaned Ship fore and aft – Hove too and sent the Assistant her Portion of fresh Beef – Got the Anchors on the Gunwhale.

10 am: At 10 Set the Lower & Fore Top Mast Studding sails and at 11 Out all reefs – Many flying fish seen and some other Fish.

12 noon: At Noon Fresh Breezes & fair Weather
Assistant in Company.

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