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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Feb 2, 1793

Remarks ♄ [Saturday] 2nd Vincent towards Jamaica

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and fair Weather

 2 pm: People washing and mending their Clothes – Sailmakers about the Quarter Deck Awning

 4 pm: Ditto Weather

 5 pm: Pumps worked as usual

 6 pm: Before Dark – Took in the Steering Sails.

 8 pm: Fresh Gales & Squally Weather

 9 pm: In Top Gallant sails.

10 pm: Squally Weather and very dark to the Northward, we imagined it might be over the Land as we are now nearly in the Latitude of the South End of Hispaniola – the Assistants Signal made to go ahead and sound. – Hard rain – Second reefed the Topsails and up Fore sail – At 2 third reefed the Topsails.

 5 am: Dark cloudy Weather and very hazey – At Daybreak Out 3rd reefs nad set Top Gallant sails.

 6 am: Some Sea Birds and flying fish seen

 8 am: Saw the Island Hispaniola the South End – regular high land – soon after the Assistant made the Signal for that Purpose, bearing WNW. Washed and cleaned below – Fires to air the Cockpits – Grampusses and Porpoises seen – At 11 Saw the Island Beata.

12 noon: At Noon Fresh Gale and fair Weather with Haze The Eastermost Land thought to be Point Salinas N13°E South Point of Hispaniola N19°E 5 or 6 Leagues the low Island Bears N34°W to 43W about 4 Leagues, the small rocky Island Altavella N67°W 4 or 5 Leagues
Assistant in Company astern.

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