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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jan 9, 1793

Remarks ☿ [Wednesday] St Helena to the West Indies

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes & Cloudy Weather – light Squalls and some rain at Times. – Several Pots of Plants handed upon Deck from below for the Benefit of the rain

 4 pm: Heavy black Clouds passing over – Saw many flying fish, Bonetas & Albacores and at a Distance a flock of Sea Birds. A Clear Interval gave us an Opportunity of taking Altitudes for the Time & Azimuths

 9 pm: Dark cloudy Weather Assistant abreast about 3 Cables lengths.

12 mid: Moderate Trade and cloudy threatning Weather

 1 am: At 1½ it came on very dark, with heavy rain in Squalls – took in all the Small Sails, hauled up the Foresail & shewed a light which the Assistant answered

 5 am: Wind very variable but generally accompanied with rain – Made Sail again occasionally.

 8 am: Moderate Breezes and dark rainy Weather

 9 am: The Plants uncovered and all laid open as much as possible to receive the Benefit of these fine Showers.

10 am: Aired in the Cockpits and between Decks with Stoves – At 10 a Heavy Squall of Wind & Rain. shortened Sail immediately – At 11 it moderated and we set Top Gallant sails. Spruce Beer today

12 noon: At Noon Moderate Breezes & Rainy Weather
Assistant in Company.

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